
Who can join?

Anyone who lives in the 3228 Postcode, and shares our vision can join!!

Why join 3228RA– Strength in numbers!

Individually we may not be able to influence what happens in our community but the larger the group the more influence we can have an at all levels of government. We can help to shape how our community evolves and the facilities we have access to.

How do we use membership funds?

Our membership funds are used for the ongoing administration costs of the association. We also require funds  to undertake any legal activities such as taking a planning issue to VCAT - that our members think is worthwhile.

As well as membership fees we also hope to receive funds from donations and grants. We recently received a much appreciated small grant from the Surf Coast Shire for establishment costs.

We offer two types of membership:

FULL MEMBERSHIP - stay informed, have a say and become a committee member and attend our monthly meetings.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP -  for anyone who wants to stay informed about what is happening in our community. This membership does not require you to attend meetings.

How to join

Simply click on the membership form link below. Please fill out your details and be sure to stipulate if you want FULL or ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP.

If you want FULL MEMBERSHIP please also forward the initial joining fee of $12 to the bank account below:

Membership form

Membership fee:

 Yearly subscription - to remain a full member there will be a $12 contribution fee made at the start of July each year. You will receive a reminder to make payment.

Bendigo Bank account:

Name: 3228 Residents Association Inc

BSB: 633 000 A/c No: 147115687

Follow us on social media

FACEBOOK page: 3228RA


For further information about membership of an incorporated association email us at or see the Consumer Affairs Victoria model rules details: