We have collated a list of useful links of resources that can help locals



Surf Coast Shire

The committee of the 3228 Residents Association would like to acknowledge the contribution of the Surf Coast Shire to the cost of developing this website. The small community grant that we received recently has also assisted with other administrative costs of setting up an Incorporated Association.


The Surf Coast Shire website - http://www.surfcoast.vic.gov.au/Home - can sometimes be a bit hard to navigate, simply because there are so many options.

If you want to contact your local councilors go to:


You can ring them for the cost of a local call or you can email them. You can contact your councilors individually or include them all in an email. If you include them all in the same email the SCS policy is for the Mayor only to reply. Remember that some residents in the 3228 postcode are now in the Winchelsea ward so if you are in the Winch ward contact Heather wellington and Carol McGregor in the first instance. Although we are divided into wards the councilors should still represent all residents in the SCS so if you really want to make a point include them all.


 Mayor and Torquay Ward councilor -

Rose Hodge -  rhodge@surfcoast.vic.gov.au    

Torquay Ward councilors:                       

David Bell - dbell@surfcoast.vic.gov.au  

Martin Duke -  mduke@surfcoast.vic.gov.au     

Brian McKiterick - bmckiterick@surfcoast.vic.gov.au                                                   

Anglesea Ward councilors:

Margot Smith - msmith@surfcoast.vic.gov.au   

Tony Revell - trevell@surfcoast.vic.gov.au          

Lorne Ward councilors:                                

Clive Goldsworthy - cgoldsworthy@surfcoast.vic.gov.au

Winchelsea Ward councilors:                            

Heather Wellington - hwellington@surfcoast.vic.gov.au    

James McIntyre - jmcintyre@surfcoast.vic.gov.au

Interested in knowing what the councilors will be voting on at their meetings? Have a look at:

Meetings & Agendas:


For Planning Permits and applications:


If you are interested in seeing what Planning Applications are on exhibition go to:


If you believe you may be disadvantaged if a Planning Permit proceeds you have a right to object. There are procedures that need to be followed which should be included in the exhibition documents. If you are unsure about how to make an objection we will try to help you – send us an email.

Problems with noisy neighbours, blocked drains, pollution:


State Representative – South Barwon:

Currently our local representative is Darren Cheeseman. He is a member of the current State Government as a Liberal member. If you have an issue that you think he may be able to assist you with you can contact him on:


ELECTORATE OFFICE - Level 1, Bld 1, 174-178 Torquay Road, Grovedale, VIC 3216

Phone; 035243 5222

Federal Representative - Corrangamite:

Our current representative is Libby Coker. She is a member of the current Federal Government as a Liberal party member.  If you have an issue that you think she may be able to assist you with you can contact her on:


Office - 3A/195 Colac Road, Waurn Ponds VIC 3216

Phone: 03 5243 1444

Don’t feel intimidated about contacting your local representatives whether they are local, state or federal – they are no different to the rest of us!

Community groups:  we have a lot of great community groups in the 3228 post code. Below is a list of some of them:

Bellbrae Residents Association: http://bellbraeresidents.org/home.html 

SCEG – Surf Coast Energy Group:   http://sceg.org.au/

Danawa Community Garden:  http://torquay.vic.au/community/danawa

Lions Club:  http://torquayau.lionwap.org/

Rotary: http://www.clubrunner.ca/Portal/Home.aspx?accountid=1967

SANE- Surfers Appreciating the Natural Environment: http://www.sanesurfers.org/ 

Let us know if your community group wants to be added.